dipdewdog: Razzoo!
dipdewdog: Drunk John
dipdewdog: Rue Bourbon
dipdewdog: Rue Bourbon
dipdewdog: Verly and the Owl
dipdewdog: No comment.
dipdewdog: Verly doing BJ Shots
dipdewdog: Verly doing BJ Shots
dipdewdog: Random Parade
dipdewdog: Random Parade
dipdewdog: Random Parade
dipdewdog: JT Doing his Birthday Shot
dipdewdog: JT and our Pregnant Shot Girl
dipdewdog: Oh Kevin is drunk
dipdewdog: And rocking out to 80's music
dipdewdog: Still drunk
dipdewdog: Drunk as hell
dipdewdog: Kevin and Verly
dipdewdog: Blurry Andres
dipdewdog: Andres on Bourbon Street
dipdewdog: Andres on Bourbon Street
dipdewdog: Random Bachelor Party