dipdewdog: media room
dipdewdog: media room
dipdewdog: media room
dipdewdog: media room
dipdewdog: mmm hd.
dipdewdog: 9 news in hd
dipdewdog: kitchen
dipdewdog: kitchen
dipdewdog: bedroom
dipdewdog: bedroom
dipdewdog: internet and voip stuff
dipdewdog: kevin's br
dipdewdog: kevin's br
dipdewdog: kevin's br
dipdewdog: bathroom
dipdewdog: cool shower thing
dipdewdog: kevin grilling
dipdewdog: back yard as seen from bathroom window
dipdewdog: kevin grilling
dipdewdog: security panel
dipdewdog: mess of wires for security monitoring... they'll be neatened soon
dipdewdog: empty living room
dipdewdog: plain dining room
dipdewdog: more back yard
dipdewdog: the grill
dipdewdog: finally
dipdewdog: finally