Dioptrica: staying cool on the porch
Dioptrica: hot dog....
Dioptrica: de-tangeling takes a while on Maddy's hair
Dioptrica: playing "hair salon"
Dioptrica: dance party in the playroom
Dioptrica: throw them hard!
Dioptrica: one of the various forms of pyrotechnics introduced to the girls...
Dioptrica: throwing poppers
Dioptrica: sooooo exciting!
Dioptrica: Strawberry shortcakes al la Auntie Keeley!
Dioptrica: you can come and visit ANYTIME Auntie Keeley!
Dioptrica: love you!
Dioptrica: snugging my Auntie Keeley!
Dioptrica: Auntie Keeley love
Dioptrica: the old whipped cream in the mouth trick!
Dioptrica: now you're talking!
Dioptrica: anticipation!
Dioptrica: Auntie Keeley, you're the BEST!
Dioptrica: a little unsure of the sparklers
Dioptrica: sparkler fun
Dioptrica: running around with sparklers
Dioptrica: waiting for fireworks
Dioptrica: Canada Day fireworks!
Dioptrica: mornings in the Johnston abode...sigh...we need to unplug!
Dioptrica: ipad love
Dioptrica: the water was over 80 but felt chilly compared with the ambient air temps!
Dioptrica: beating the heat - Dave, Keeley and the girls
Dioptrica: safety first
Dioptrica: the storm
Dioptrica: mummy and girls enjoy the fireworks