Dioptrica: Crawling in the tunnel!
Dioptrica: Exploring our new tent
Dioptrica: yes, I do have an attitude - i'm two now.... I'm supposed to!
Dioptrica: Happy Girl
Dioptrica: Saturday afternoon chilling....
Dioptrica: Put em up!
Dioptrica: Woo hoo!
Dioptrica: what happens when mummy goes to change Maddy and leaves Rosey to her own devices....
Dioptrica: and let the cleaning commence!
Dioptrica: Wearing my oh so cool tutu from the Cranstones!
Dioptrica: Goofing around (under the guise of teeth brushing - with mummy's toothbrush!)
Dioptrica: Happy Madeline
Dioptrica: First time R wanted to hold M ....
Dioptrica: How does mummy survive with daddy is out of town?
Dioptrica: Rosey checking out the ray tank
Dioptrica: Mummy braves the aquarium with both girls!
Dioptrica: Hello friend!
Dioptrica: Rosey's favourite - the tu-tu outside the aquarium
Dioptrica: Kisses for the tu-tu
Dioptrica: Madeline kicking back at the aquarium
Dioptrica: Madeline enjoying the aquarium sojourn
Dioptrica: Almost as good as the aquarium (and it's a shorter drive!)
Dioptrica: Examining the fishes at PetSmart!
Dioptrica: I'm way too cool for you, mummy!
Dioptrica: Madeline hanging out in Rosey's new beanbag
Dioptrica: Destructo Rosemary ....
Dioptrica: Well, hello! I'm nine weeks old!
Dioptrica: Maddy checking out mummy; Rosey checking out Maddy
Dioptrica: Sorry about this Madeline!
Dioptrica: Steamrolling sister (a.k.a. hugging baby sister)