Brenda Malloy:
the plain people of Ireland
Brenda Malloy:
the plain people of Ireland 3
Brenda Malloy:
the plain people of Ireland 2
Brenda Malloy:
faces at the races 6
Brenda Malloy:
willie moore
Brenda Malloy:
Martin at College Green
Brenda Malloy:
moira and concertina
Brenda Malloy:
Peter. Finn Street
Brenda Malloy:
Fella at trim castle
Brenda Malloy:
rider to the sea
Brenda Malloy:
Mary from the Number 10 Bus
Brenda Malloy:
pony walker, Thor Street
Brenda Malloy:
Finn Street
Brenda Malloy:
feeding time on cowper street
Brenda Malloy:
Brenda Malloy:
helpin me Da
Brenda Malloy:
gent on Kildare Street
Brenda Malloy:
rainy hello
Brenda Malloy:
in the streets 4
Brenda Malloy:
Brenda Malloy:
Brenda Malloy:
horsefair 3
Brenda Malloy:
Brenda Malloy:
tappin' on Dame Street
Brenda Malloy:
Brenda Malloy:
Brenda Malloy:
bit of the craic at The Pale
Brenda Malloy:
Brenda Malloy:
child at halliday square
Brenda Malloy:
she wore red shoes