_Massimo_: My new sweater
_Massimo_: It's through loss that I fully understood
_Massimo_: Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free
_Massimo_: The itch
_Massimo_: Fast delivery
_Massimo_: The decision to leave
_Massimo_: Concrete pies
_Massimo_: There's always a buzz
_Massimo_: The Neverending Story
_Massimo_: Bridging
_Massimo_: Runs on no sleep
_Massimo_: Parallel lives
_Massimo_: The flow of time
_Massimo_: I miss her
_Massimo_: Open the sky and let her come down
_Massimo_: Here we are!
_Massimo_: Checkmated by life?
_Massimo_: The race
_Massimo_: Everything but Italian
_Massimo_: Breaking the glass
_Massimo_: In the eyes of the ghost
_Massimo_: You can't photograph if you're not in love
_Massimo_: Led by the heart
_Massimo_: I want to come back
_Massimo_: Stormy Legoland
_Massimo_: In the city
_Massimo_: The dream
_Massimo_: Connected
_Massimo_: What is the golden rule?
_Massimo_: Every night I sofly spoke