D i n k a r: Harcoded Smile
D i n k a r: Construction And Destruction
D i n k a r: Shapes Shapes And Shapes
D i n k a r: Indoor Fun ..
D i n k a r: I lacked a subject to shoot...
D i n k a r: Way of life
D i n k a r: The Tamagawa River
D i n k a r: Loss and Gain
D i n k a r: Small and Beautiful
D i n k a r: The Eternal Truth
D i n k a r: Yin, Sans Yang
D i n k a r: Lacked a subject
D i n k a r: "The most important qualification of a soldier is fortitude under fatigue and privation. Courage is only second; hardship, poverty and want are the best school for a soldier" ~ Napoleon Bonaparte
D i n k a r: “The most important things are the hardest to say, because words diminish them” ~Stephen King
D i n k a r: Tears of a Mother
D i n k a r: The Edge of Seeing Surreal
D i n k a r: “A dialogue is more than two monologues" - Max M. Kampelman
D i n k a r: The Panache