dingobear: beach walk
dingobear: con dao camping
dingobear: view from our bungalow
dingobear: cute
dingobear: race for the sea
dingobear: i call this one flipper
dingobear: siesta in the sun
dingobear: green sea turtle hatchling
dingobear: helping each other
dingobear: last turtle out to sea
dingobear: pastel porch
dingobear: con son town central market
dingobear: con dao national park
dingobear: raphael
dingobear: this turtle can fly!
dingobear: ranger station
dingobear: view of con son island
dingobear: about to release the turtles into the sea
dingobear: pineapple fried rice
dingobear: con dao
dingobear: shipwreck
dingobear: the blue hour