dingey sexton: The Happy Hiker
dingey sexton: Peaceful snorfler
dingey sexton: Hott Girls
dingey sexton: long-lost snow spazz
dingey sexton: Beardo!
dingey sexton: Boing boing
dingey sexton: Today's regular old neighborhood walk.
dingey sexton: Snowbeard Zen
dingey sexton: Same walk, different day.
dingey sexton: Full-Immersion Snow Spa
dingey sexton: Weird beard
dingey sexton: The furry torch that guides me in the half-light.
dingey sexton: Getting her arctic on
dingey sexton: Le ice moustache
dingey sexton: The dog who continuously refuses to cavort for the camera
dingey sexton: Asylum Lake Rundown!
dingey sexton: DETANTE
dingey sexton: STANDOFF!
dingey sexton: Your alb, Heddy.
dingey sexton: Lounging
dingey sexton: Ridiculous
dingey sexton: Boulder-lounger
dingey sexton: She loves her some Dusty.
dingey sexton: The top of Water Rock Knob, where some nice people took our photo before we were ready
dingey sexton: Full chipmunk alert mode