dingey sexton: Meanwhile, Next Door To The Scientologists...
dingey sexton: L. Ron Scar-Tissue
dingey sexton: I initially overlooked this as a bistro sign or something....
dingey sexton: The Field DOES look dry....
dingey sexton: Auntie Em! Auntie Em!
dingey sexton: Searching for Ancestors
dingey sexton: Wood is Bond, yo
dingey sexton: Dusty and Mike
dingey sexton: Dusty and Mike
dingey sexton: Sweaty Freddy
dingey sexton: Focus and spongepainting
dingey sexton: Nat of Creepy
dingey sexton: Can you tell which side of the stage I was standing by?
dingey sexton: I love it when you can watch them go....somewhere else.
dingey sexton: Three cheers for the bass king
dingey sexton: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
dingey sexton: Blurred by volume and action
dingey sexton: ONETWOTHREEGO!!!!!!!
dingey sexton: GRAAAAAAAAVES!
dingey sexton: Fred, Schmiddy, and Mike
dingey sexton: I have a really juvenile title for this photo, but I'll let you fill in the blanks....
dingey sexton: Bobby, Mike, and somebody's shapely skull.
dingey sexton: Mike, startled by yet another visit from his guardian spirit, Bobby Fuller!
dingey sexton: Creepy and Not Creepy
dingey sexton: Setting up...
dingey sexton: The Hentchmen...
dingey sexton: Stankeye
dingey sexton: The wormhole ate my chin
dingey sexton: Nate emerges from a wormhole only slightly blurred at the edges...
dingey sexton: Scott as Mr. Dusty Sexton