Dinasty_Oomae: 不確かなもの (anything uncertain)
Dinasty_Oomae: 波砕 (an wave breaks...)
Dinasty_Oomae: 空へ、もとい、各家庭へ (not into the sky, but to neighbourhood)
Dinasty_Oomae: 空の切り取り方 (divide the sky)
Dinasty_Oomae: 烏の取り分 (reserved for crows)
Dinasty_Oomae: MINELAYER
Dinasty_Oomae: ガンシップ1 (gunship 1)
Dinasty_Oomae: ガンシップ2 (gunship 2)
Dinasty_Oomae: 深呼吸 (deep breath)
Dinasty_Oomae: 開門 (a gate opens)
Dinasty_Oomae: CALMNESS
Dinasty_Oomae: RAISE THE FIST!
Dinasty_Oomae: 高気圧 (high)
Dinasty_Oomae: 海獣の視線 (eyes of a marine mammal)
Dinasty_Oomae: 金の鏡 (decorated mirror)
Dinasty_Oomae: 龍はあくまでも空を目指す (dragon, still climbing)
Dinasty_Oomae: 空見の鏡 (a mirror, skyward)
Dinasty_Oomae: あけきひかり あけきひかり (red and bright)
Dinasty_Oomae: 飛天 (fei tian)
Dinasty_Oomae: 探針 (probe)
Dinasty_Oomae: 不在 (absence)
Dinasty_Oomae: 消失点 (vanishing point)
Dinasty_Oomae: 春爆ぜる (burst out!)
Dinasty_Oomae: 先達 (precursor and follower)
Dinasty_Oomae: 同行二人 (bound to same way)
Dinasty_Oomae: 直立 (uprights)
Dinasty_Oomae: 背骨 (backbone)
Dinasty_Oomae: 共感覚 (synaesthesia)