Dinasty_Oomae: 亥鼻公園の猫 (a kitten in Inohana Park)
Dinasty_Oomae: 舫ひ (moored)
Dinasty_Oomae: 睥睨 (his fort)
Dinasty_Oomae: STILL ALIVE
Dinasty_Oomae: ただの心しか持たない痩せた猫なんかいません (life is physical)
Dinasty_Oomae: 順番待ち (stand-by)
Dinasty_Oomae: 銀座勤務 (duty in Ginza)
Dinasty_Oomae: 行列 (forming a line)
Dinasty_Oomae: 優雅 (an elegance)
Dinasty_Oomae: 起こすな。 (Don't disturb)
Dinasty_Oomae: 団欒 (a family)
Dinasty_Oomae: おっぱい (mother's breast)
Dinasty_Oomae: 侵入者発見! (an intruder comes!)
Dinasty_Oomae: 手相 (read my palm)
Dinasty_Oomae: 誰何 (who comes?)
Dinasty_Oomae: 悠然と (at ease)
Dinasty_Oomae: はみだし (juts out)
Dinasty_Oomae: 王者 (a king)
Dinasty_Oomae: こっち向いて (model and photographer)
Dinasty_Oomae: 見世物 (phony fight)
Dinasty_Oomae: 三様 (indifference)
Dinasty_Oomae: 二度寝 (dozing)
Dinasty_Oomae: 漆黒 (so black)
Dinasty_Oomae: 臨戦 (readiness)
Dinasty_Oomae: 哄笑 (roar with laughter)
Dinasty_Oomae: 胸壁 (a parapet)
Dinasty_Oomae: 接待 (entertainment)
Dinasty_Oomae: 水呑み・2 (quencher 2)
Dinasty_Oomae: 警備 (security guard)
Dinasty_Oomae: 安息 (a break)