dina j: Berry snack
dina j: He sees me in the window.
dina j: In the rain
dina j: Where's Buzz?
dina j: My first bobolink
dina j: Grackle got a drip
dina j: Messed up feathers
dina j: Got a snack.
dina j: A few waxwings
dina j: My first horned lark
dina j: Georgia Bird
dina j: My first bobwhite
dina j: Yellow warbler
dina j: Catbird with a berry
dina j: Woody has a big nut
dina j: Does anyone know how to turn this thing on?
dina j: What's that big bird up there?
dina j: My first eastern towhee shot
dina j: Don't mind my buddy in the back
dina j: Kestrel at Fort Desoto
dina j: My first Florida painted bunting
dina j: Upside down parula
dina j: Indigo Bunting
dina j: Prothonotary warbler
dina j: Ribbet
dina j: Logger with lunch
dina j: Carolina Chickadee
dina j: Yellow throated warbler
dina j: Pretty palm
dina j: I get no respect