Iron Warrior 1
Plague Marine 1
Death Guard 1-004
Death Guard 1-003
Death Guard 1-002
Death Guard 1-001
Death Guard 2-003
Death Guard 2-002
Death Guard 2-001
Drippy Barry - a new perspective
Drippy Barry
Andrew Carmichael, Emperor's Children Lord - side
Andrew Carmichael, Emperor's Children Lord - back
Andrew Carmichael, Emperor's Children Lord - lovely face
Unblinking Brian, The Nurgle Blight Drone
Unblinking Brian, The Nurgle Blight Drone
Unblinking Brian, The Nurgle Blight Drone
Splitty Barry
Splitty Barry
The Barrys
Bursty Barry
Bursty Barry
Ted Prendegast. Night Lord Atramentar Terminator Captain in the land of large lemons and limes. Side view.
Ted Prendegast. Night Lord Atramentar Terminator Captain in the land of large lemons and limes. His shapely bottom.
Ted Prendegast. Night Lord Atramentar Terminator Captain in the land of large lemons and limes.
Gerald Msrumrimrumruwermeumrumismerupathkay Daemon Prince of Nurgle
Gerald Msrumrimrumruwermeumrumismerupathkay Daemon Prince of Nurgle - back