diminoc: At pashupatinath, Kathmandu
diminoc: second garden of dreams
diminoc: garden of dreams
diminoc: Himal ladies
diminoc: Window on the mountains
diminoc: Tharu beauty
diminoc: Each flap of a flag is a prayer sent...
diminoc: chillum
diminoc: Face washing
diminoc: Sadhu
diminoc: Mother and Daughter
diminoc: green eyes
diminoc: where giants pray
diminoc: grasshopper
diminoc: libélula 1
diminoc: libélula 2
diminoc: libélula 3
diminoc: the look of wisdom
diminoc: first contact
diminoc: nose ring
diminoc: beads and carving
diminoc: the broken pot
diminoc: emergence of the alien
diminoc: emergence
diminoc: at the handicraft shop
diminoc: spinning
diminoc: this is what an earthquake does
diminoc: it aint easy living through an earthquake
diminoc: moonrise at sunset