dim7chord: On the road headed to Kentucky
dim7chord: Scrubbing off the bugs on the way to Kentucky
dim7chord: Jump Rock Composite
dim7chord: Madi @ Jump Rock Composite
dim7chord: Dani & Mac @ Jump Rock Composite
dim7chord: Chloe @ Jump Rock Composite
dim7chord: Exploring Gray's Arch
dim7chord: Sitting under Gray's Arch
dim7chord: Pondering at Gray's Arch
dim7chord: Group photo at Gray's Arch
dim7chord: Braiding hair for a day of climbing
dim7chord: The ascent to Pistol Ridge
dim7chord: Enjoying the climb at Pistol Ridge
dim7chord: Mackenzie repelling around Pistol Ridge
dim7chord: Repelling around Pistol Ridge
dim7chord: Repelling around Pistol Ridge
dim7chord: Ascending the ridge to go repel
dim7chord: Chloe repelling around Pistol Ridge
dim7chord: Ascending to the top
dim7chord: Repelling around Pistol Ridge
dim7chord: Angie repelling around Pistol Ridge
dim7chord: Angie repelling around Pistol Ridge
dim7chord: Dani climbing via ferrata at Torrent Falls Rock Climbing Adventure
dim7chord: Anissa @ Torrent Falls Rock Climbing Adventure
dim7chord: Taking it all in
dim7chord: Climbing #4 at Torrent Falls Rock Climbing Adventure
dim7chord: Climbing #4 at Torrent Falls Rock Climbing Adventure
dim7chord: The powerful rock at Torrent Falls Rock Climbing Adventure