dil23: Ami Shalev
dil23: Over the top?
dil23: Surfin Shalev
dil23: At the bar
dil23: Beer everywhere!
dil23: Ami Shalev
dil23: Drumming
dil23: ...a double at the bar
dil23: Yonatan Gat
dil23: There's a dead drummer at my feet!
dil23: Singer plays the drums?
dil23: Yonatan Gat - guitarist
dil23: Somebody up there...
dil23: Singer plays drums on audience members head!
dil23: Walls dripping with beer...
dil23: Bad hair day?
dil23: Yonatan Gat
dil23: At the bar again
dil23: Cheeky
dil23: Let's all go to the bar
dil23: MONO_22
dil23: MONO_23
dil23: MONO_24
dil23: Let's go outside
dil23: Climbing over audience - outside!
dil23: In the street
dil23: Sounds of the streets
dil23: Back inside!