Digitas Photos: Cage Fighting Come to Cannes: Brand Interruption v. Brand Integration
Digitas Photos: Monty Miranda
Digitas Photos: Gavin Polone
Digitas Photos: Nick Cannon
Digitas Photos: Host Mark Beeching takes the stage to introduce the panelists
Digitas Photos: The crowd loves it
Digitas Photos: Round 1: What is brand integration anyway?
Digitas Photos: Round 1: What is brand integration anyway?
Digitas Photos: Round 2: Why should brands/audiences/talent like it?
Digitas Photos: Gavin Polone
Digitas Photos: Round 5: What is brand integration again?
Digitas Photos: LIONS2010_2224
Digitas Photos: LIONS2010_2172
Digitas Photos: Mark Beeching and Nick Cannon
Digitas Photos: Brand Integration is named the winner!