simonjamesonweston: Street Theatre I
simonjamesonweston: Street Theatre II
simonjamesonweston: Street Theatre III
simonjamesonweston: Street Theatre IV
simonjamesonweston: ....and a massage?
simonjamesonweston: Looking for a hotel?
simonjamesonweston: Spinner 360 & Hongmei hg-1
simonjamesonweston: Star Street HK
simonjamesonweston: Tree on a bright day
simonjamesonweston: way, way too much light
simonjamesonweston: Ball of Light
simonjamesonweston: Bokeh Practice
simonjamesonweston: Cassius in Happy Valley
simonjamesonweston: First Day at Home I
simonjamesonweston: First Day at Home II
simonjamesonweston: Cassius goes to his first party
simonjamesonweston: Nathalie & Cassius I
simonjamesonweston: Nathalie & Cassius II
simonjamesonweston: Cassius Liev
simonjamesonweston: Mamiya with 400 film from the supermarket
simonjamesonweston: Lola chews another lens cap
simonjamesonweston: Cassius with Mir 1
simonjamesonweston: Mir 1 37mm on wrong body
simonjamesonweston: Lola transfixed by the Einsteins
simonjamesonweston: 37mm wide lens
simonjamesonweston: Rolleiflex 3.5F
simonjamesonweston: Cassius at home