Digital Sextant: Streetlight and architectural lines
Digital Sextant: Bust over a door
Digital Sextant: Sunset
Digital Sextant: Streetlight in a tree
Digital Sextant: New Orleans along the river
Digital Sextant: Evening lighting
Digital Sextant: Just out for a stroll
Digital Sextant: What are you lookin' at?
Digital Sextant: Preservation Hall
Digital Sextant: DO NOT climb my fence.
Digital Sextant: New Orleans flexible street light
Digital Sextant: Directions in New Orleans
Digital Sextant: A flower for the dead
Digital Sextant: Another possible tomb of Marie Leveau
Digital Sextant: Watching over the cemetery
Digital Sextant: A thinker
Digital Sextant: Charity
Digital Sextant: Praying Statue
Digital Sextant: Her Tribulations Were Her Glory
Digital Sextant: Marie Leveau's Tomb... maybe?