Digital Sextant: Worm's eye view of a redwood
Digital Sextant: Hollow under a redwood
Digital Sextant: Giant redwoods (with me to provide scale)
Digital Sextant: Giant Redwoods
Digital Sextant: A Burl on a giant redwood
Digital Sextant: Mist in the Trees
Digital Sextant: Hiding elk 3
Digital Sextant: Hiding elk 2
Digital Sextant: Hiding elk 1
Digital Sextant: Sign for the Corkscrew Tree
Digital Sextant: The Corkscrew Tree 3
Digital Sextant: The Corkscrew Tree 2
Digital Sextant: strange-trees
Digital Sextant: The Corkscrew Tree
Digital Sextant: Elk Meadow 10
Digital Sextant: Elk Meadow 9
Digital Sextant: Elk Meadow 8
Digital Sextant: Elk Meadow 7
Digital Sextant: Elk Meadow 6
Digital Sextant: Elk Meadow 5
Digital Sextant: Elk Meadow 4
Digital Sextant: Elk Meadow 3
Digital Sextant: Elk Meadow 2
Digital Sextant: Elk Meadow