Digital Sextant: Reporter zombie commutes
Digital Sextant: Striking a pose zombie
Digital Sextant: Reporter zombie and Mom zombie
Digital Sextant: Smilin' zombies at the bean
Digital Sextant: Zombies mill around near the bean
Digital Sextant: The Anti-Zombie Team
Digital Sextant: Growling zombie
Digital Sextant: Hair-wave zombie
Digital Sextant: Forehead gash zombie 2
Digital Sextant: Baby zombie snack, and posing for a pic
Digital Sextant: Zombies on the march 5
Digital Sextant: E.R. zombies (in scrubs)
Digital Sextant: Forehead Gash zombie
Digital Sextant: Mime zombie
Digital Sextant: Zombies on the march 4
Digital Sextant: Princess zombie checks her watch
Digital Sextant: Prom zombies
Digital Sextant: Hungry Jailbird zombie
Digital Sextant: Zombies gather by their standard
Digital Sextant: Lei zombie in a dress
Digital Sextant: Punk zombie and friend
Digital Sextant: Nurse, Cheerleader, and Yellow zombie
Digital Sextant: Ghostbusters zombie
Digital Sextant: Reporter zombie on the scene 2
Digital Sextant: Reporter zombie on the scene
Digital Sextant: Patient zombie looking evil
Digital Sextant: Zombies by the fence
Digital Sextant: Reporter zombie relaxes on the bridge
Digital Sextant: Zombies on the march 2
Digital Sextant: Zombies on the march