Digital Sextant: A hawk circles overhead while we bike 2
Digital Sextant: A hawk circles overhead while we bike
Digital Sextant: Seagull
Digital Sextant: Geese on the path
Digital Sextant: Parrots of Telegraph Hill 3
Digital Sextant: Parrot in flight
Digital Sextant: Parrots of Telegraph Hill 2
Digital Sextant: Parrots of Telegraph Hill 1
Digital Sextant: Mother Duck and Ducklings 05
Digital Sextant: Mother Duck and Ducklings 04
Digital Sextant: Mother Duck and Ducklings 03
Digital Sextant: Mother Duck and Ducklings 02
Digital Sextant: Mother Duck and Ducklings 01
Digital Sextant: Skunk03
Digital Sextant: Skunk02
Digital Sextant: Skunk01
Digital Sextant: A Ground Squirrel darting below
Digital Sextant: Elk Meadow
Digital Sextant: Elk Meadow 2
Digital Sextant: Elk Meadow 3
Digital Sextant: Elk Meadow 4
Digital Sextant: Elk Meadow 5
Digital Sextant: Elk Meadow 6
Digital Sextant: Elk Meadow 7
Digital Sextant: Elk Meadow 8
Digital Sextant: Elk Meadow 9
Digital Sextant: Elk Meadow 10
Digital Sextant: Hiding elk 1