Digital Sextant: Inside front matter
Digital Sextant: Title page
Digital Sextant: Publisher Verso
Digital Sextant: First page of Orphan Prance by Laurie Loring
Digital Sextant: Second page of Orphan Prance by Laurie Loring
Digital Sextant: Third page of Orphan Prance by Laurie Loring
Digital Sextant: Fourth page of Orphan Prance by Laurie Loring
Digital Sextant: Fifth page of Orphan Prance by Laurie Loring
Digital Sextant: Sixth page of Orphan Prance by Laurie Loring
Digital Sextant: Danpappa dear
Digital Sextant: Danpappa dear sonnet, Page One Jip
Digital Sextant: Page two of Jip
Digital Sextant: Page three of Jip
Digital Sextant: Illustration for Jip
Digital Sextant: Page two of Fan and the Umbrella
Digital Sextant: Page one of Fan and the Umbrella
Digital Sextant: Page six of Jip
Digital Sextant: Page one of Trouble in the Shrimp Family
Digital Sextant: Page five of Trouble in the Shrimp Family
Digital Sextant: Page three of Trouble in the Shrimp Family
Digital Sextant: Page four of Trouble in the Shrimp Family
Digital Sextant: Page two of Trouble in the Shrimp Family
Digital Sextant: Page six of Trouble in the Shrimp Family
Digital Sextant: Page four of Jip
Digital Sextant: Page five of Jip
Digital Sextant: My Little One illustration
Digital Sextant: My May-Day Among Curious Birds and Beasts page 1
Digital Sextant: My May-Day Among Curious Birds and Beasts page 2
Digital Sextant: My May-Day Among Curious Birds and Beasts page 3