csquared imaging by Corey Teeple: You reap what you sow
csquared imaging by Corey Teeple: Sweetness at the Legistlature
csquared imaging by Corey Teeple: Disgruntled sk8tr - My kingdom for pavement!
csquared imaging by Corey Teeple: Bridge over the Bow River, Banff
csquared imaging by Corey Teeple: Looking over the Muttart's shoulder to the skyline
csquared imaging by Corey Teeple: Negotiations on the peer
csquared imaging by Corey Teeple: A silver river at dusk
csquared imaging by Corey Teeple: Flaps are up, formation coming in for landing
csquared imaging by Corey Teeple: Looking skyward at the Leg
csquared imaging by Corey Teeple: Ducks and Geese Crossing