digital_jenn: "tiny" #photoadayapril
digital_jenn: "skyline" #photoadaymay
digital_jenn: Smells so good!
digital_jenn: Interesting product name
digital_jenn: Odd instructions for a hair straightener, no?
digital_jenn: For those times you're in a cupcake pinch (and Cupcake Locator hasn't been built yet)
digital_jenn: Wall mural in Islington Village
digital_jenn: They've been busy.
digital_jenn: Red rocks at Killarney
digital_jenn: Quite possibly my favourite cookies
digital_jenn: What you don't want to be seeing as you're turning in (knowing you have to be at work at 7am)
digital_jenn: Mission Design install in progress at IIDEX.
digital_jenn: Jelly Bean on its way to my Transformer Prime!
digital_jenn: undefined
digital_jenn: Busy bees
digital_jenn: Now this is a sign I like to see
digital_jenn: Summerhill subway
digital_jenn: A maze!
digital_jenn: Super cute shopper at Indigo Books
digital_jenn: Perfectly good encyclopedias up for grabs (yikes, someone still had these kicking around? )
digital_jenn: Cupcakes by Eini & Co.
digital_jenn: - Douglas Coupland
digital_jenn: Royal Winter Fair!
digital_jenn: Not a good day for Darth Vader. (Art piece on display at Diaz Contemporary, booth 910 at Art Toronto)
digital_jenn: DX Intersection
digital_jenn: A new toy!
digital_jenn: Impromptu piano lesson, Heart & Soul of course
digital_jenn: And now Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on the violin!
digital_jenn: Where am I? !
digital_jenn: A wine that's right up my alley it seems