Marty Coleman, The Napkin Dad: Me at the Exhibition
Marty Coleman, The Napkin Dad: Self-portrait with Important Sign
Marty Coleman, The Napkin Dad: A day later in 1982
Marty Coleman, The Napkin Dad: First Born Beauty in 1982
Marty Coleman, The Napkin Dad: Springsteen Reigns
Marty Coleman, The Napkin Dad: Me at Western College-1974
Marty Coleman, The Napkin Dad: me at Lime Rock raceway-1973_sm
Marty Coleman, The Napkin Dad: Three Piece White Suit
Marty Coleman, The Napkin Dad: My dad and I, 1972
Marty Coleman, The Napkin Dad: Marty Skiing, 1973
Marty Coleman, The Napkin Dad: Marty (me) and Jim
Marty Coleman, The Napkin Dad: me 6thgrade 1966-67
Marty Coleman, The Napkin Dad: Me at the breakfast table, 1965
Marty Coleman, The Napkin Dad: The Stylish Birthday
Marty Coleman, The Napkin Dad: me-6thgrade 1966-67