digdog: Arrived Visitor Center
digdog: Unfortunately, we didn't get the camping permit
digdog: So, day hike only
digdog: 綻放中的仙女棒
digdog: Five in One
digdog: 在這邊野餐應該不錯
digdog: 不確定是不是麥子⋯⋯
digdog: 天氣不是很好
digdog: How come mole has long tail?
digdog: We have a mini funeral here
digdog: And it's christian style...
digdog: Into the woods
digdog: 樹都彎到小徑上了
digdog: 擁擠的群落
digdog: 雙生樹
digdog: 山谷不斷有水氣飄來
digdog: Waiting for Cameraman
digdog: Our Cameraman
digdog: Keep Walking
digdog: Suddenly, trees are all gone
digdog: Best Scenery Ever
digdog: 小白兔誤入黑森林
digdog: Entrance to the Black Forest
digdog: 最高點
digdog: 又冷又潮溼
digdog: Entrance of the Secret Garden
digdog: Waters!
digdog: Pacific Ocean Ahead
digdog: 太平洋出現了
digdog: 感受壯麗的景色