digdog: Asian family portrait
digdog: Standing in the middle of nowhere
digdog: The Young Explorer
digdog: 整個結霜
digdog: Window frost
digdog: Stay in car overnight
digdog: 荒漠
digdog: 前進公園
digdog: 海平面在很上面
digdog: Look Back
digdog: 天然海鹽?
digdog: Many tourists, actually...
digdog: Natural Bridge Cayon Entry
digdog: 就石頭而已
digdog: 有瀑布
digdog: 但是沒有水
digdog: Little Green One
digdog: 雲母
digdog: The Bridge from the Other Side
digdog: 石堆中的沙漠植物
digdog: 大斜坡
digdog: 疑似果實?
digdog: 被洪水沖走的柏油路
digdog: Golden Canyon Trail
digdog: All the way up to nowhere
digdog: Toward Mordor...
digdog: 一次入鏡
digdog: Sand Dunes
digdog: Heart
digdog: 遠方的沙塵