John_F: P1080581b
John_F: IMG_5660
John_F: IMG_5658
John_F: IMG_5655
John_F: IMG_5663
John_F: Mists are clearing. Should be sunniest day of the year.
John_F: IMG_5676b
John_F: IMG_5690b
John_F: IMG_5689b
John_F: IMG_5688b
John_F: IMG_5687b
John_F: 'Like herding cats'- I couldn't get everyone in and paying attention
John_F: IMG_5684b
John_F: IMG_5683b
John_F: IMG_5679b
John_F: IMG_5697b
John_F: IMG_5695b
John_F: IMG_5691b
John_F: IMG_5701b
John_F: IMG_5711b
John_F: IMG_5710b
John_F: IMG_5709b
John_F: IMG_5708b
John_F: IMG_5707b
John_F: IMG_5714b
John_F: IMG_5713b