diffuse: What is that black heap in my yard?
diffuse: Neighbour yelling at bear to get up and leave
diffuse: Getting up to leave?
diffuse: Too tired. Staying here
diffuse: Stop yelling!
diffuse: Up and stretching
diffuse: Relieving himself
diffuse: Can a bear have some privacy, please?
diffuse: Settled back down to rest some more
diffuse: Napping in my backyard on a sunny morning
diffuse: Exhausted
diffuse: So tired
diffuse: Worn claws
diffuse: Need sleep........
diffuse: Brief look around
diffuse: Time to look for some more berries
diffuse: Headed down the Bear Trail
diffuse: I'll be back!
diffuse: I'm baack!
diffuse: Must be a way to reach the berries?
diffuse: Too hard to reach berries?
diffuse: Berries smell sooooo good!
diffuse: Too much work to reach berries?
diffuse: Going up?
diffuse: Trying to reach all the berries ~ 2
diffuse: Trying to reach all the berries
diffuse: Bear in a tree
diffuse: Cherry picker
diffuse: Berry picker
diffuse: Bumper Choke Cherry crop