diffuse: Female Downy Woodpecker
diffuse: Winter visitor
diffuse: <-- South is that way
diffuse: Swallowing a berry
diffuse: Resting in the sun on a cold day
diffuse: Three Amigos
diffuse: ..and there are more (Tree 1)
diffuse: Count the birdies? (Tree 1)
diffuse: (Tree 3)
diffuse: (Tree 3)
diffuse: (Tree 2)
diffuse: A skyful of waxwings
diffuse: Traveling solo
diffuse: Standing at attention
diffuse: Birds everywhere!
diffuse: So many Waxwings!
diffuse: Very large flock of Bohemian Waxwings in flight
diffuse: Male Northern Flicker
diffuse: 23Male House Finch
diffuse: Two sides of male House Finches
diffuse: House Finch and Junco
diffuse: When there's a will?
diffuse: There might be a way?
diffuse: Early arrival
diffuse: Back for another great summer!
diffuse: Calling
diffuse: Tapping
diffuse: Berries!
diffuse: Yellow-rumped Warbler
diffuse: Yellow-rumped Warbler