diffuse: We might have a white Christmas?
diffuse: Somebody forgot to head south?
diffuse: At least it's no longer -40C!
diffuse: Feast for a waxwing
diffuse: Frost on a sunny day
diffuse: Plowing us in
diffuse: This grader has teeth
diffuse: Snowy night c. 3:00 a.m.
diffuse: Snowy night ending c. 6:50 a.m.
diffuse: Snowy afternoon ~2
diffuse: Snowy afternoon ~1
diffuse: Pathway to the compost bins
diffuse: The way out
diffuse: East side trail
diffuse: Access from front to back
diffuse: Path to the driveway
diffuse: Yes, we have snow.
diffuse: Will I ever see my house again?
diffuse: Is it safe to come out? - Limited visibility
diffuse: Pathways in the snow