diffuse: A touch of Spring
diffuse: Too wet and heavy to shovel much
diffuse: Wasn't it Spring yesterday?
diffuse: Uneven melting of snow on the roof
diffuse: There is a lawn under all that snow
diffuse: Up too soon? Tulips
diffuse: Up too soon? Crocus
diffuse: First Robins are back!
diffuse: Resident male Flicker ~ 1
diffuse: Resident male Flicker ~ 2
diffuse: Trying to bloom
diffuse: Indoor veggie patch
diffuse: Radish sprouts April 7, 2020
diffuse: Radishes April 9/10 2020
diffuse: Flower buds
diffuse: The warmest day
diffuse: Spring beauty
diffuse: Robins in Mountain Ash ~ 4
diffuse: Robins in Mountain Ash ~ 3
diffuse: Robins in Mountain Ash ~ 2
diffuse: Robins in Mountain Ash ~ 1
diffuse: Sunny Sunday on the sunny side
diffuse: Sunny Sunday on the shady side
diffuse: New life and old
diffuse: Triumphant
diffuse: Male Red-winged Blackbird ~1
diffuse: Wild Cherry blossoms
diffuse: Primula
diffuse: Female American Robin
diffuse: Male American Robin