diffuse: Eating snow
diffuse: Chickadee on a cold day
diffuse: Junco on a cold day
diffuse: Waxwing Convention
diffuse: A very short rest
diffuse: Frenzied swirl
diffuse: Sunning on a very cold day
diffuse: Feeder watcher ~ 2
diffuse: Feeder watcher ~ 1 back
diffuse: Feeder watcher ~ 1 front
diffuse: Sunning
diffuse: Waxwings swallowing snow
diffuse: Bohemian Waxwing
diffuse: Beakful of beef fat
diffuse: Male Northern Flicker
diffuse: Annoying little drummer
diffuse: First Robin in backyard ~ 2
diffuse: First Robin in backyard ~ 1
diffuse: 19Mar22 040
diffuse: 19Mar22 011pce
diffuse: Watchful
diffuse: Spring has truly arrived!
diffuse: Finding the last few berries
diffuse: No shortage of fallen berries to eat
diffuse: If I hang it they will come
diffuse: White-crowned Sparrow
diffuse: Rufous Hummingbird
diffuse: Aphids are sticky!
diffuse: Male Dark-eyed Junco ~ 3
diffuse: Male Dark-eyed Junco ~ 2