diffuse: Spring Flowers
diffuse: Spring!
diffuse: Surprise!
diffuse: Protective
diffuse: Curled
diffuse: Celebrating 35 Years
diffuse: Happy Easter!
diffuse: Eager to be on the other side of the glass
diffuse: Waiting for warmer weather
diffuse: Framed
diffuse: More beautiful roses
diffuse: Potted begonia
diffuse: Red, Red Rose
diffuse: Drying
diffuse: Tulips
diffuse: Two Dozen Roses
diffuse: Pinks ~ 3
diffuse: Pinks ~ 2
diffuse: Pinks
diffuse: Looking out
diffuse: Blooming
diffuse: Crab Apple Blooms
diffuse: From the street
diffuse: Looking out
diffuse: Through the window glass
diffuse: Double tulips
diffuse: White double tulip
diffuse: False Solomon's Seal
diffuse: Columbine
diffuse: Dwarf Dogwood (Bunchberry)