diffuse: Open the album - click: Edit in Organizr
diffuse: Right click anywhere on the album
diffuse: Click: Take a Screenshot
diffuse: You will see this
diffuse: Drag the selection lines over the top part of the album
diffuse: When the selection is complete, click: Download icon
diffuse: Move the sidebar down to show the bottom of the album
diffuse: Right click anywhere, click: Take a Screenshot
diffuse: You will see this
diffuse: Select bottom part of album and click: Download icon
diffuse: Open an Upload window
diffuse: In a new window, open your Download folder, and find the screen captures.
diffuse: Make the download folder window smaller
diffuse: Drag two files from Download window to Upload window
diffuse: Set privacy - Only you; Click: Upload 2 Photos
diffuse: Open top section image in photostream Click: Share Photo icon
diffuse: Click on ... guestpass square
diffuse: Highlight the link and copy it
diffuse: In a new window, open the comment you wish to use, paste the link, then click: comment
diffuse: Do the same for bottom image. Click: Edit icon to open the comment field. Paste the link for bottom of image under the link for the top. The result should look like a complete mosiac.