diffuse: Trails in the night
diffuse: Hard to see the road under all the snow.
diffuse: 15Dec27a 009pe
diffuse: View - study window - 2
diffuse: Birdwatcher
diffuse: Frosted gravel bar
diffuse: Frosty feast
diffuse: Picked over
diffuse: So hard to decide which to pick
diffuse: Frosted trees
diffuse: Bowed
diffuse: Gazebo
diffuse: Path to the bridges
diffuse: Frisbee golf chains
diffuse: 15Nov29 072pe
diffuse: 15Nov29 100pe
diffuse: 15Nov29 107pe
diffuse: Coming through!
diffuse: Cold and hungry
diffuse: Ruffled
diffuse: Throw it again, Sam?
diffuse: 15Nov29 027pe
diffuse: Frost and mist
diffuse: Exploring Goat Island
diffuse: Holding a frozen berry
diffuse: Picking frozen berries
diffuse: Sun breaking through smog 2:15 p.m.
diffuse: Frost at the river - black and white
diffuse: Frost after the fog
diffuse: Frosty beak