diffuse: Redpoll and berries
diffuse: Frosty morning
diffuse: Bottoms up!
diffuse: Male Pine Grosbeak
diffuse: Common Redpoll
diffuse: Male Northern Flicker
diffuse: Female Hairy Woodpecker
diffuse: Cold and fluffy
diffuse: First starling of 2016
diffuse: It's the berries!
diffuse: 16Jan04 171pce
diffuse: Female Downy
diffuse: Male Downy Woodpecker
diffuse: Gleaner
diffuse: Bending low
diffuse: Hanging
diffuse: Crushing berries
diffuse: Bird on a stick - The end
diffuse: Frost after the fog
diffuse: Frosty beak
diffuse: Hoppy 2
diffuse: Hoppy 1
diffuse: Confidence
diffuse: A question of balance
diffuse: Hogging the suet
diffuse: Berries in front and behind
diffuse: Blending in with the berries
diffuse: Three in the tree
diffuse: 16Feb13 030pce
diffuse: Female Downy