diffuse: Mom Flicker
diffuse: Dad Flicker
diffuse: Jr. Flicker, or just a friend?
diffuse: Tree toppers
diffuse: One of the boys
diffuse: In the late afternoon sun
diffuse: Comes for the suet
diffuse: A tad large for the feeder?
diffuse: Steadying with her tail
diffuse: Suet eater
diffuse: Keep an eye on the camera
diffuse: Cluster
diffuse: Fluffed up against the -16 C chill
diffuse: Is it Spring yet?
diffuse: Female Northern Flicker ~1
diffuse: Female Northern Flicker~ 3
diffuse: Female Northern Flicker ~ 4
diffuse: Male Northern Flicker ~ 1
diffuse: Male Northern Flicker ~ 2
diffuse: Eating millet
diffuse: Watching for small birds
diffuse: New boy on the block
diffuse: Seven House Sparrows
diffuse: Male House Sparrow
diffuse: Female House Sparrow
diffuse: Combination of characteristics
diffuse: Hunter
diffuse: Picking up the pieces
diffuse: Yellow-rumped Warbler in Green Ash
diffuse: Yellow-rumped Warblers on old feeder