dview.us: Off to the Zoo!
dview.us: Giant African Slugs
dview.us: Happy...
dview.us: Sad
dview.us: Isaac and a few new members of his fan club
dview.us: Brits looking up toward Jerusalem
dview.us: Jay and Isaac photo op
dview.us: One chilled out lemur
dview.us: Isaac having a close encounter of the lemur kind
dview.us: They found the stroller quite interesting
dview.us: Just a big kid!
dview.us: Aliya wondering what in the world Daddy and Brother are doing
dview.us: Isaac had a blast swinging...
dview.us: ...as you can tell
dview.us: Isaac's buddy that helped him on the playground
dview.us: Weeeeee!
dview.us: Isaac wasn't so sure about this "petting" zoo business
dview.us: Sweet little baby chicks, making us homesick for our chickens
dview.us: A lovely peacock
dview.us: Hi there!
dview.us: A great big rooster, the ground fairly shook when he crowed