A Different Perspective:
Transition costs
A Different Perspective:
Intrusion detection
A Different Perspective:
Bandwidth contention
A Different Perspective:
Border dispute
A Different Perspective:
Strip search
A Different Perspective:
Peaked too early
A Different Perspective:
Soft steps
A Different Perspective:
A Different Perspective:
Diamond in the rough
A Different Perspective:
The doorway into tomorrow
A Different Perspective:
Desperate times
A Different Perspective:
With an eye to the weather
A Different Perspective:
His story's full of holes
A Different Perspective:
Beauty is skin deep
A Different Perspective:
City girl in the country
A Different Perspective:
Ripple control
A Different Perspective:
Surface tension
A Different Perspective:
Then a crowd gathered
A Different Perspective:
Occasional surprise
A Different Perspective:
Bottle bit
A Different Perspective:
An ancient hex
A Different Perspective:
Mountains of the moon
A Different Perspective:
Lesser heights
A Different Perspective:
I'm not sure the smoothing filter is going to do the trick.
A Different Perspective:
Take the river track, and then hang a left. You'll have quite a climb.
A Different Perspective:
Public access
A Different Perspective:
Swing bridge
A Different Perspective:
Crossed swords
A Different Perspective:
On green
A Different Perspective:
Birds of a feather