Dieu.Nguyen: better let them slip off your hands. They'll die if you try so hard to keep them.
Dieu.Nguyen: Kìm kẹp.
Dieu.Nguyen: Đi đâu loanh quanh cho đời mỏi mệt...
Dieu.Nguyen: frozen heart.
Dieu.Nguyen: freedom or prison? It's your choice to draw your limit.
Dieu.Nguyen: come away with me...
Dieu.Nguyen: cô Đào.
Dieu.Nguyen: No more tears or at least, tears of happiness and love.
Dieu.Nguyen: sunrise sunrise...
Dieu.Nguyen: If I was a flower growing wild and free All I'd want is you to be my sweet honey bee.
Dieu.Nguyen: the colour of faith.
Dieu.Nguyen: Amstrong! + purple = ... ;)
Dieu.Nguyen: Em đến bên đời hoa vàng rực rỡ Nào dễ chóng phai trong lòng nỗi nhớ...
Dieu.Nguyen: Let the sun set me free... don't stop it, don't...
Dieu.Nguyen: Có những chân trời xanh thế... mây xa vời, nắng xa vời...
Dieu.Nguyen: falling slowly...
Dieu.Nguyen: I desperately want a letter. from whoever. about whatsoever...
Dieu.Nguyen: present from "cold cold- hearted" British ones ^^
Dieu.Nguyen: Sometimes I wish I were you, Dandelion!
Dieu.Nguyen: cong cớn.
Dieu.Nguyen: To me, nothing's more scented than a little jasmine.
Dieu.Nguyen: Tặng Hayden (Hoàng Long?)
Dieu.Nguyen: Eventually, we all come up mature and perfectly imperfect, even from the darkness. It's just the matter of time!
Dieu.Nguyen: Life is wonderful :)
Dieu.Nguyen: Oh, dont let the sun go down on me.
Dieu.Nguyen: Promise me, U'll stand by me no matter what...
Dieu.Nguyen: For the one called " Grass " in English and just got a scholarship offer from Cambridge Uni.
Dieu.Nguyen: There's no such pink world in life, but there are certainly great believers with " purple attitude ".
Dieu.Nguyen: Kiss from a rose
Dieu.Nguyen: is it how to live this life?