Dietmar Down Under: Early Jurassic basalt dike intruded into Bumbo Latite
Dietmar Down Under: Fearlessly scaling the latite columns
Dietmar Down Under: Felsic xenolith
Dietmar Down Under: Mafic xenolith
Dietmar Down Under: Lava breccia
Dietmar Down Under: Volcanic breccia investigation
Dietmar Down Under: Bombo Quarry
Dietmar Down Under: Lava breccia with sediment matrix
Dietmar Down Under: Lava breccia with sediment matrix
Dietmar Down Under: Lava breccia with sediment matrix
Dietmar Down Under: Lava breccia with sediment matrix
Dietmar Down Under: Lava breccia deliberations
Dietmar Down Under: Late Permian Bumbo Latite overlying the Kiama Sandstone
Dietmar Down Under: Bombo Quarry
Dietmar Down Under: Bumbo Latite petrology enthusiasts
Dietmar Down Under: Born to be a geologist
Dietmar Down Under: Latite closeup
Dietmar Down Under: Armwaving ...
Dietmar Down Under: Bombo Quarry
Dietmar Down Under: Bombo Quarry
Dietmar Down Under: Bellambi Rock Platform
Dietmar Down Under: Bellambi Rock Platform
Dietmar Down Under: Silicified Glossopteris trunk
Dietmar Down Under: Bellambi Rock Platform
Dietmar Down Under: Silicified Glossopteris trunk
Dietmar Down Under: Coalified and silicified Glossopteris branch
Dietmar Down Under: Cross-bedding
Dietmar Down Under: Bellambi Rock Platform
Dietmar Down Under: Upper Erins Vale Formation
Dietmar Down Under: Liesegang rings