~DAMS~: If things were perfect
~DAMS~: The Golden ramp
~DAMS~: and then ... I saw a beautiful light!
~DAMS~: Go on!... keep walking!
~DAMS~: infinity
~DAMS~: White Shadows
~DAMS~: don't step on the squares on the floor... they might fade away...
~DAMS~: noticias de primera hora
~DAMS~: Rock This WaY!
~DAMS~: Urban CD-Head!
~DAMS~: Urban Indian!?
~DAMS~: Urban Freedom!
~DAMS~: (Urban/(Primate)/Urbano)
~DAMS~: rejas...
~DAMS~: Road to Hell
~DAMS~: no fish eye!
~DAMS~: debajo del tiempo!
~DAMS~: Que hora es?!
~DAMS~: detras de las hojas
~DAMS~: the cloud's sheppard
~DAMS~: confusio!
~DAMS~: paisaje!
~DAMS~: La sombra del mojon
~DAMS~: Sin bandera!
~DAMS~: No Rojo Rojito sino Amarillo Amarillito!
~DAMS~: bajo la sombra!
~DAMS~: gotera...
~DAMS~: that was close!
~DAMS~: Chutando!