Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Nichole is friends with Bobby the bobcat
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: George is telling Santa if the grands have been good or bad
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Nichole was found hanging from the bed
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Nichole is gonna be eaten by the bob cat
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: George has lost his mind
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Nichole is trying to karate chop the apple. And the monkey is trying to stop her
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: George is climbing in the tree.
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: George is having some tea
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: For my grands: George is on Santa's shoulder
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: For my grands: Nichole is riding on Santas back
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: George was climbing on everything
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Nichole was just hanging around this morning
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Nichole got some buddy's and stayed up late watching TV