Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: catching fiddler crabs
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Jump for my love, Jump In!!
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: not a care in the world
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: The sun rises and sets in his daughters eye!
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: hey.. whatcha got there?
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: I want to ride my bicycle... but
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: awhh mom, not again, please no..
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: L_2010_0826_1388pecans
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: My girls, after a rain
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: August 2010 (213-216) catching up from vacation!!!
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: 217 - 222 - August 2010 woot woot I am caught back up once more!!!
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: 223-228\365 August 2010inPhotos..