Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Cave Methodist Church - Tornado
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Cave Methodist Church - Tornado
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Cave Methodist Church - Tornado
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Cave Methodist Church - Tornado
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: cotton boll begining to pop
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: cotton boll popping a little bit more
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: some more "springy" cotton
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: I wish I was in the land of cotton ,
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: cotton that has hard locked
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: The cotton is "springing"
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: John Deere Cotton Picker
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Spindles on the cotton picker
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: I'm feeling a bit frayed!
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: stepping up in this world
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: John Deere 9996 6 row Cotton Picker
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: 6 row John Deere 9996 Cotton Picker
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: made a module of cotton
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: turkey's along side the road
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: another module of cotton
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Hey!! how do I get out of here
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: MYRICK_2009_1030_2290parker
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Parker packing down cotton
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Miss A was helping pack down the cotton
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: You light up my life