Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Goodnight sweet heart well it's time to go
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Jaybird and Lil Miss S
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Mo and lil Miss kbug
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Sweet lil Ms S & Ms K
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: My one blue eyed best 4 legged friend
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Cave Methodist Church - Tornado
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Here comes Peter Cotton Tail
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Photos 91, 92, 93 and 94 for 2009inPhotos
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Cave Methodist Church - Tornado
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: my hubby brought me food
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: all you could see was his tail lights.. long, long time ago...
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Hey Lady, doncha know itsa feedn time?
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: I used to spend a lot of time in this swing
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Mammy's lil baby loves shortn' shortin'
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: I am the lineman for the county
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Peek a boo. I see you
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Roses are red, violets are blue
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Does this farm make my A$$ look big