Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Marc, Brandy and the Kids
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Marc, Brandy and the Kids
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Childs play by night
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Marc, Brandy and the Kids
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Marc, Brandy and the Kids
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Marc & Rose's family
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: How many kids can climb a deer stand
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Ready or not here I come!!
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Hey lady ...are you taking a pic of me???
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: I'm going on up!! whew hooo
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: well never mind I will just climb higher
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Run Run Run as fast as you can
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: You're too big to hunt for eggs!
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Hey who put a rock in my egg?
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Pastor Marty Matthis
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Hey what are you boys looking for!
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: If you touch my arrow
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: see I told you so. up I go!!!
Didi Loadholt/DidSum Photography: Hummm I can climb just as high as you boys can!!